Video and audio

Video and audio are time-based media. Users can choose when and how much they view or listen to. If the format meets a user need, make sure anyone can access the content.

Use video or audio when users find it easy to understand and access

Ask whether time-based media (video or audio) is the best way to deliver a message or tell a story.

Check you:

  • understand who will use it, how they will access it and why
  • have (or can you get) the resources and expertise to do it.

Use video or audio if it:

Requirements and standards for video and audio

Users need transcripts, captions and audio descriptions for accessibility. Work with experts to record and mix audio. Check branding, copyright and permissions requirements.

Make sure everyone can access audio and video

Audio-visual content must have:

  • a transcript for people who don’t want to watch the video or listen to the audio – and for search engine indexing
  • closed captions for people who can’t hear the dialogue and other sounds (symbol [CC])
  • an audio description for people who can’t see the video.

Audio description is narration. It gives important details that are only visual, usually during gaps in the dialogue.

Choose an accessible media player that:

Voice and tone

Writing style is a result of voice and tone. Adjust your style to meet user needs. It influences whether and how people engage with content.

Adapt writing style with tone and voice

Writing style describes the way you express ideas in content. The tone and voice you use influence the writing style for any type of content.

Tone is the way you express ideas. It includes the words you use, the way you put them together and their level of formality.


Spelling errors detract from readability. Follow one dictionary for consistency and use it to check variable spellings.

Choose one dictionary for consistency

Government organisations should choose one dictionary of Australian English.

This manual recommends either:

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