Numbers as numerals are generally easier for people to scan. Numbers as words remain a convention that people expect in some types of content.
Use numerals for 2 and above in text
In text, the general rule is:
- Use numerals for ‘2’ and above.
- Write the numbers ‘zero’ and ‘one’ in words.
Follow the same rule for writing numbers in headings and subheadings. Apply exceptions to this general rule in specific situations, explained on this page.
The numbers ‘0’ and ‘1’ are difficult for some users to read. Some typefaces make it difficult to see the difference between:
- the letter ‘O’ and numeral ‘0’
- the letters ‘I’ (capital ‘i’), ‘l’ (lower-case ‘L’) and numeral ‘1’.
In some typefaces, the numeral ‘1’ can also be confused with the numeral ‘7’.
Writing ‘zero’ and ‘one’ helps to ensure all users understand you are referring to the number.
Write this
- Only one person agreed to it.
- Their aim is zero net emissions by 2050.
- They were open to discussing 3 options.
Not this
- Only 1 person agreed with it.
- Their aim is 0 net emissions by 2050.
- They were open to discussing three options.
Use words for 2 and above in these specific situations
There are exceptions to the general rule for using numerals in text.
Use words for numbers when:
- starting a sentence
- writing a fraction
- writing a proper noun that includes a number written as a word
- writing a publication title that includes a number written as a word
- quoting a figure of speech.
In addition, use words for numbers below 10 for government content that follows journalistic conventions (for example, media releases).
Starting a sentence with a number
Start sentences with words rather than numerals. If you must use a number at the start of a sentence, write it out in words.
Write this
- Twelve people from our group went to the rally.
- From our group, 12 people went to the rally.
Not this
- 12 people from our group went to the rally.
It is sometimes better to rearrange the sentence.
Write this
- The board received 621 complaints.
Not this
- Six hundred and twenty-one complaints were received by the board.
Write words in general text for fractions.
Use fractions when:
- an exact number is not important
- the user needs only a general idea of the values.
If the exact number and value is important, use decimals instead.
- About two-thirds of staff attended last week’s meeting.
- There were 270 candidates for the Legislative Council, an average of 7.5 candidates per vacancy.
Proper nouns, titles of publications and figures of speech
Write numbers as words if this is how they appear in a name or title.
The Treasurer wrote the terms of reference for the Review of the Four Major Banks and Other Financial Institutions.
Private politics : a study of five political outlooks by Alan Davies
Use words for figures of speech.
- Two’s company and three’s a crowd.
- Let’s take five.
- She felt ten feet tall.
Government content and other style conventions
Various style guides treat numbers differently. Media organisations generally use words for all numbers below 10 (or 11), and use numerals for the rest.
Content of the same type necessarily uses the same style, for example, in media releases.
Check your user research. It might show a need to use words for numbers other than ‘zero’ and ‘one’, for example, in:
- longer works
- print publications containing very few numbers.
Be consistent. Once your style for numerals or words is settled, use the same style throughout the content or series of publications.
Write all numbers as numerals in these specific situations
There are exceptions to using words for ‘zero’ and ‘one’.
Write all numbers as numerals:
- in units of measurement
- to show mathematical relationships – such as equations and ratios – and for decimals
- when you are comparing numbers
- in tables and charts
- for dates and times
- in a series of numbers
- in specific contexts – such as steps, instructions, age and school years
- in scientific content.
Units of measurement
Always use numerals to report a measurement (unless it is a large rounded number).
- 1 km
- 1 kilometre
- one kilometre
Mathematical formats, relationships and comparisons
Always use numerals:
- to show mathematical relationships (such as equations and ratios)
- in decimal numbers
- to compare numbers
- in tables, graphs and charts.
Use numerals when writing fractions in specialist content. Otherwise the general rule is words for fractions.
Mathematical relationships
Use well-understood conventions to write mathematical relationships. Keep relationships together so they are easily understood. To do this use:
- numerals only
- the correct operator characters
- spacing between numerals and operators
- non-breaking spaces.
- a ratio of 7∶1
- 8 + 1 = 9
Decimal numbers
Use decimals when you need to be precise. Always write them as numerals.
- They had 8.5 full-time equivalent staff in the section.
- Innisfail averages 3,547.8 mm of rainfall per year.
Compare numerals, not words and numerals. If one number is a decimal, the other must be a decimal and so on.
Write this
For those aged 75 to 84, the rate was 2.5 times as high as the rate for the control group. This fell to 1.1 times as high for those aged 85 and over.
Not this
For those aged 75 to 84, the rate was over twice as high as the rate for the control group. This fell to 1.1 times as high for those aged 85 and over.
Comparisons are sometimes hard for people, so make them clear. It may seem obvious, but comparisons are only useful if like is compared with like.
Tables, graphs and charts
Lists or blocks of data must consist of numerals, or people will find them hard to understand. Always use numerals in graphs, charts and tables. Numerals save space and help people scan, find and compare values quickly.
Restrict data to key indicators and results. Keep the presentation of data as simple as possible, and use consistent units and magnitudes.
Date and times
Always use numerals for dates and time.
- Wednesday 1 April 2020
- She took the call at 1 pm.
Series of numbers
In any document that contains a lot of numbers, it is always better to write numbers as numerals.
Always use numerals for:
- a related group of items
- a discussion of statistics.
This is regardless of the size of the numbers involved.
The anthology includes 160 poems by 22 poets – 14 of whom were born in Australia, 4 in New Zealand, 3 in England and 1 in Austria.
The number of internet subscribers increased by 3.6%. Fibre connections grew by 22.4% and fibre growth for the year to June was 69.8%.
If you have 2 series of numbers, for the sake of clarity you can use words for one series and numerals for the other.
Of the mothers of the 23 sets of triplets registered during the year, 8 had no previous children, 8 had one child and 7 had two previous children.
[The first series uses numerals to break down the total number of triplets according to groups of mothers. The second series uses words for the number of children each group of mothers had already had.]
Lists of steps and instructions
Lists, points and instructions are easier to follow if written as numerals.
- 1. Write a list
- In point 2 of the record of discussion ...
- Step 3: insert the audio cable into the left audio jack.
Age and school years
Always use numerals for age and school years.
- They're a close-knit group of 12-year-olds.
- The siblings are in year 1 and year 5.
In scientific content
You can use powers of 10 for large numbers in technical content, such as science and engineering publications. Don’t use powers of 10 in general content.
2.5 × 106 is the same as 2,500,000
Use commas in numbers with 4 or more digits
Numbers from 1,000 need a comma. Separate the digits into groups of 3 (working from right to left).
- 1,750
- 25,690
- 745,902,350
Don’t use a space or non-breaking space instead of a comma. This is because screen readers can announce spaced digits as separate numbers.
- The government awards 2,500 grants to community projects annually.
- The government awards 2 500 grants to community projects annually.
Combine numerals and words for large, rounded numbers
Numbers below a million are easy to read as numerals. When you’re using rounded numbers of 1,000 or more, use commas to separate numerals into groups of 3 (working right to left).
Use a combination of numerals and words for large numbers from a million when they are rounded. It is easier to read ‘2.5 million’ than ‘2,500,000’.
- There are over 1.4 million students enrolled in Australian tertiary institutions.
- The budget allocated $50 billion to that initiative.
- The organisation announced $3 trillion in superannuation savings.
Billions, trillions, quadrillions, quintillions:
- billion = 1,000 × million (109)
- trillion = 1,000 × billion (1012)
- quadrillion = 1,000 × trillion (1015).
- quintillion = 1,000 × quadrillion (1018).
Use ‘1 million’ and ‘one million’ in certain contexts
Both forms are acceptable in government content. Choosing which style to use will depend on the context and the type of content.
When to use ‘1 million’
Our rule to combine numerals with words for large, rounded numbers includes ‘1 million’. The same rule applies to ‘1 billion’, ‘1 trillion’ and so on.
Use the numeral ‘1’ in large, rounded numbers for the reasons listed as exceptions in ‘Write all numbers as numerals in these specific situations’.
This includes writing ‘1 million’:
- in technical content
- in documents containing a lot of numbers
- in a series of numbers
- when comparing numbers
- with a currency symbol.
- The agency manages close to 1 billion online transactions, 30.5 million calls and 6 million emails annually.
- Vaccine doses purchased by government this year:
• 10 million in May
• 20 million in June
• 1 million in October. - Last year, the country exported goods worth over €1 trillion.
In general content
You can also use ‘1 million’ in general content – the numeral and word together make the meaning clear.
The words ‘million’, ‘billion’ and ‘trillion’ appear immediately after the numeral ‘1’ in these large, rounded numbers. This proximity gives people the context they need. It’s unlikely users will mistake the numeral ‘1’ for the capital i (I) or the lower-case L (l) – whatever font you use.
However, it is hard to tell the difference between 1 and 7 in some sans serif fonts. Change the typeface to ensure your numbers are readable.
If you can’t, it is better to use words or follow each number with their equivalent word in parentheses:
- 1 (one) million
- 7 (seven) million.
And if you combine 1 and 7 in a number – for example, ‘1.7 million’ – follow the number with its equivalent in words in parentheses. This is awkward but avoids confusion.
- An estimated 1 million of those eligible did not apply. [Large, rounded number in general content
- The report shows that telcos blocked over 1 (one) billion scams last year. [Number repeated in words to avoid confusion in some fonts]
- There are 1.7 million (one point seven million) Australians who are unaware they have the chronic disease. [Number repeated in words to avoid possible confusion between 1 and 7 in some fonts]
Media releases follow journalistic style (one, two … nine, 10), but you can also choose to use numerals for large, rounded numbers. This is a useful option for media releases that contain several numbers.
- After its recent expansion, which cost $5 million, the facility increased its production of sterile fruit flies to 40 million a week. In the 18 months since the facility opened, it has produced more than 1 billion flies for release. [Large, rounded numbers with numerals and words in media release]
When to use ‘one million’
While our rule for large, rounded numbers captures ‘1 million’, our general rule for numbers is to use words for the numeral ‘one’. And in some content, writing ‘one million’ is a good choice.
You can choose to use words for large, rounded numbers:
- to start a sentence
- in content with very few numbers
- in content that follows journalistic style – for example, in media releases
- if there’s any chance users will confuse numerals.
- Every year, the facility recycles close to one billion plastic bottles. [General content with very few numbers]
- One million dollars will allow the firm to expand production. [Starting a sentence]
- Nearly one million Australians downloaded the app last month. [Sentence in media release]
Choose between numerals or words for currency
Use numerals and symbols for amounts of money.
- They self-declared a $0 turnover.
- 50c
- $1
- US$20,000.
However, money can be written entirely in words for approximations and figures of speech.
- The government’s new policy will save thousands of dollars.
- That’s my two cents worth.
Release notes
The digital edition updates the rule for using words for numbers in body text.
It recommends using words only for zero and one, and using numerals for other numbers. Government content that follows journalistic conventions is treated as an exception.
Expert advice has informed this change from the sixth edition. The change reflects accessibility considerations and style for numbers in contemporary digital content.
The sixth edition recommended using words up to 100 (in general text) or words up to 9, and then numerals (in statistically oriented text). The digital edition retains the rule to start a sentence with a word rather than a numeral and lists some other exceptions to the new general rule, consistent with sixth edition guidance.
The digital edition recommends using a comma in numbers with 4 or more digits. This recommendation is based on accessibility advice. The sixth edition recommended using a thin space in numbers with 5 or more digits and no space in numbers with 4 digits.
The digital edition contains guidance about using ‘1’ and ‘one’ for large, rounded numbers.
The digital edition retains the sixth edition rule about using numerals in tables and technical content. It also retains the rules about using words for common expressions and to begin sentences. The sixth edition rule about using a mixture of words and numerals for large numbers also appears in the digital edition.
The Content Guide recommended numerals for all numbers, including zero and one, noting a few exceptions to the rule.
About this page
Bohm T (2 December 2019) Letter and symbol misrecognition in highly legible typefaces for general, children, dyslexic, visually impaired and ageing readers,Typography, accessed 2 June 2020.
GOV.UK (2016) A-to-Z: numbers’, Style guide, GOV.UK, accessed 2 June 2020.
American Psychological Association (2020) ‘Numbers’, Publication manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edn, American Psychological Association, Washington DC.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation (2020) ‘Numbers, measurements’, The ABC style guide, ABC website, accessed 3 June 2020.
Australian Government Department of Education (2024) ‘Student data’, Department of Education website, accessed 4 November 2024.
Btb Translation Bureau (2020) ‘Numerical expressions’, The Canadian style, Btb Translation Bureau website, accessed 3 June 2020.
Content Design London (2019) ‘Grammar points: numbers’, Content Design London readability guidelines, Content Design London website, accessed 3 June 2020.
European Commission (2020) ‘6: Numbers’, English style guide: a handbook for authors and translators in the European Commission, European Commission.
General Services Administration (n.d) ‘Numbers and percentages’, 18F content guide, 18F Content Guide website, accessed 3 June 2020.
Loranger H (23 March 2014) ‘Break grammar rules on websites for clarity’, Nielsen Norman Group, accessed 3 June 2020.
New Zealand Government (2020) ‘Numbers’, Content design guidance,, accessed 3 June 2020.
NSW Government (2022) ‘Numbers, dates and times’, Content style guide, Digital.NSW website, accessed 21 November 2022.
Oxford University Press (2016) ‘11.2.2: Figures or words?’, New Oxford style manual, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
TechCommNZ (May 2016) ‘Five or 5? Words versus numerals ...’, TelecommNZ Newsletter, accessed 3 June 2020.
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (2018) '4.6: Numbers', content style guide,, accessed 3 June 2020.
University of Chicago (2017) 'Numbers', Chicago manual of style, 17th edn, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
US Government Publishing Office (2016) ‘Numerals’, Government Publishing Office style manual, U.S. Government Publishing Office, accessed 17 September 2021.
Last updated
This page was updated Friday 28 March 2025.